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Opening Nuc for hive setup 2016.
Opening Nuc for hive setup 2016.
Opening Nuc for hive setup 2016.
Queen in Nuc ready for the hive.
Nuc ready for hive installation 2016
Installation Team, 2016.
Honey Supers ready to go to the bee yard.
Hive check, main yard, 2016.
Workers at a hive entrance.
Hive set up with honey super and pollen trap.
Hive entrance on a hot summer day 2016.
Checking frame of honey and bees, fall 2016.
Queen, Capped Brood, Workers and Larvae.
Queen with her attendants.
Honey comb on hive cover, 2016.
Home comb on top of frames, 2016.
Lorraine Skipwith working in Farmgate Store 2016.
Hive check, education hives, 2016.
Ryan Cruwys bottling honey, 2016.
Ryan Cruwys labelling honey, 2016.
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